A report how the course drawings have gone so far in the Åland DiscGolf Park project.
There have been three course architects for Åland from DiscGolfPark Juho Rantalaiho, Pasi Koivu and Erno Väyrynen. They have visited nine municipalities and there will be four 18-hole courses and five 9-hole courses.
In Geta, the track will be an AA1 directly from this summer. In Vårdö, the course will first become a 9-hole course and during the autumn will be expanded with a further 9 holes and then also become an AA1 course.
All 16 courses at Åland will be rated level 1 and will include Disc Golf Park's concept.

The architects will return on May 26, beginning with the last 7 courses. In the next update I will tell you about the five 9-hole courses.