The Largest DiscGolfPark in the World
Disc Golf Island

The Chairman of the Åland Business Entrepreneurs Mats Adamczak was commissioned by the Åland Government in 2020 to develop various innovative solutions to help the Åland business sector and, in particular, the tourism sector, which was shattered throughout its operations thanks to covid19 and the emergency permits that came at the same time.
The task was to find a solution for attracting brand new groups of tourists, a solution which is both safe and popular for young people and families with children.
The answer was to go all in with disc golf and make Åland the frisbee golf Mecca. In just four weeks land was arranged in the 16 different municipalities and it was decided that there would be a DiscGolfPark in each municipality, with at least 9 holes.
You can connect all the courses in a single large course and play in the world's longest course with 216 holes.

From the left:
The president of Åland Roger Nordlund, The Prime Minister Veronica Thörnroos, Chairman of Business Entrepreneurs - Mats Adamczak, Minister of Trade and Industry - Fredrik Karlström , Swedish Consul General - Claes Hammar. Photo: Therese Andersson